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From left to right: Kevin Patrick, Colleen, Kevin, Lee Ellen, Rebecca, Chad.

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Our Story

Our Family


Rebecca has held a passion for animals her entire life, often begging her parents for a goat or two as a child. She always knew she would work with animals somehow, whether as a veterinarian, zoo keeper, marine biologist, rescue owner or anything in between.  Getting involved in FFA in high school, she quickly caught on to the farming lifestyle and in true 'Rebecca fashion' got the rest of the family involved as volunteer farm hands before too long. Her infamous tagline, 'Hey guys... how much do you love me?" has brought many a creature to our doors. 


Our Business

Rebecca began working with and showing livestock in 2005 with her school FFA program. In 2009, Rebecca decided to begin raising her own herd of Boer goats. What started as a few rescue goats, a registered buck and two registered does has quickly grown into a herd of many registered and unregistered Boer and Pygmy goats, show and market hogs, a horse and donkey, some alpacas and a small flock of chickens. 


Our farm's focus is multifaceted, including rescuing and rehabilitating animals! Those who know Rebecca know, she cannot turn away an animal in need! As a business, our focus is providing top quality show stop and a superior food for your family dinner plate. We began selling retail and wholesale pork products as well as whole and half hogs in 2016 but have since transitioned to primarily selling feeder pigs and the occasional finished hog. We also breed and sell show pigs each winter and spring. 


While the story of our farm has been quite an adventure, we changed things up again in late 2019 with a big move! With the marriage of Rebecca and Chad, our home is now Camden, DE where we are transitioning to a focus on regenerative farming. We believe that producers should work in harmony with the land we use and that we should return what we take to the best of our ability. Our change in practices includes pasture-based and silvopasture management of our stock. We are installing native and rainwater buffer plants to maintain rainwater runoff cleanliness and coming soon we will be adding woodlot raised pigs and hydroponic fodder!


Our ultimate goal: a sustainable regenerative farm that functions in harmony with the land we use to produce quality animals and nutritious humanely raised food for our community. 

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